I have been seeing a counselor lately to help me learn some coping skills for dealing with stress and anxiety. After a few Scarlet O'Hara acts, I decided it was time to look for some professional advice. A big point of interest was, "where is all your stress coming from"! However, upon introspection I realized that my life wasn't really all that stressful, I have a very happy marriage, a great home, our fiances are coming together....but my JOB is stressful. Oh, well that makes sense I thought to myself, I do have an odd job, dealing with lots of intense behavior on the daily....I guess my job IS pretty SUPER stressful.
My counselor, God bless her, told me that those of us with stressful jobs have to work extra hard on, what she called "self care". Apparently, self care is super rad...for example getting massages qualifies as self care as well as bubble baths, working out, yoga, reading etc... The things in life most of us don't have time for is apparently just what the doctor ordered. So I have been putting to practice what she recommended!
I have read two books in the last week The Fault in our Stars, and Looking for Alaska both by John Green and both amazing. I am happily on a third book right now entitled Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn ..oh yeah, I also joined a book club, which is where the latest book came from. I am 100 pages into it this book and thoroughly enjoying it.
However there is more to self care than reading, I had been avoiding the gym since my latest stink with bronchitis...but this past Monday I decided it was time to bit the bullet and head back...and it was amazing! It's ridiculous that something that feels so uncomfortable can make you feel so much to love endorphins. Apparently, taking care of yourself actually makes you feel better. Who knew? I have to say I am for sure on a self care kick right now, next time I post it will probably be from a India...or someplace really exotic and relaxing.