Sunday, ughhhhhh.....Not just Sunday but the Sunday after vacation is one of the worst kinds of Sunday's there are. Quick recap, Boston was amazing....The history, the weather, the people and of course the company....twas all fabulous.
Texas is......HOT, seriously like kill you in the street hot, hide yo kids, hide yo wife hot. Unfortunately I am back in town and reality hits again tomorrow along with another round of the infamous heat wave. With all this heat and after visiting a really great city I started to wonder, why in the hell does anyone live here? It's hot, it's spread out, crummy public transit... there isn't a tremendous amount of historical significance? Why are we doing this to ourselves, so I of course googled it and here is what I discovered:Nothing....Cost of living or something like that.....but for all practical purposes there really is no reason, just a bunch of people asking the exact same question. If any of you have an answer or a deep love of this state (aka the seventh circle of hell) I would LOVE to hear it.
I suppose I am off until tomorrow, so I will spend the remainder of this day eating bomb pops and try to hang my hammock in the deep freezer. Cheers.