Attention dog and people lovers alike!
My dear friend Mariah and her pup Sweet Potato are going through a terribly rough time right now, and need YOUR help. Sweet Potato is a Boxer rescue and much more than just a pet but the heart and soul of my dear sweet friend. She is one of the most precious pups I have ever met and has brought so much joy into the life of everyone she meets, because she is a survivor.
Potato in Mariah's words; "Sweet Potato is a six year old Legacy Boxer Rescue pup. She was pulled from the shelter three years ago with her three sharpei-boxer pups and had obvious signs of neglect and abuse. What was once an anxious, fearful shell of a boxer is now a playful, independent fur ball of love. In the last 10 days, her happy-puppy personality has declined and she now has trouble walking, lifting herself, and moving around. I have been carrying her up and down three flights of stairs to potty. She is a suffering pup in need of relief or a miracle... Whichever comes first."
Potato has recently been diagnosed with either a herniated disc on her spinal cord, or a tumor. This is terrible news for any doggy mom to hear, especially when the testing alone will cost around $3,000.
Most everyone has a rainy day fund, and Mariah is sure to be drawing from hers, but she in no way has that amount of money right now. That is where we come in, ladies and gentleman, friends and family. It's time to pull out our pocket books and show this wonderful woman and precious pup that we are rooting for them. Any amount will help; all proceeds will go directly to Sweet Potato's vet bills. In the worst-case scenario, all of the money will be donated lovingly in Sweet Potato's name to the Legacy Boxer Rescue. Let's show them some love.
After YOU donate, please pass this along so others can pay it forward also.
Go here and help my dear friend, just cut and paste this and shell out!