I need more allowance
Yodelahewho ....
The beets, obviously.... a band from Doug (one of the best cartoons ever) and that song is still so poignant I sing it every time I am on the job hunt....which I am! Positive vibes, crossed fingers and prayers are all welcome...equal opportunity and all that.
Anyway, As I am in the presence of the Internet I thought I should take this opportunity to post a new one on this thing, not that thousands are waiting with baited breathe of course.
Onward and Blogward: This past weekend I went to San Antonio on business and my Charming and lovely cousin Sara (Etsy site here http://www.etsy.com/shop/RedBirdLane?ref=ss_profile) let me stay with her in her wonderfully Anthro-esque casa.
Not only is she under 25 and owns her own home (because she just really has her stuff together), but in all of her spare time (aside from her very full time job) she makes some AWESOME things, I have a special affinity for her light fixtures (shown above) ! The ones in the photo's are in my apartment that she sent me for my big bad 25th birthday....and I absolutely adore it!
That's all for now, go check it out!
I still haven't seen this light fixture in person. I miss you. We need to actually hang out. Also - job hunt - exciting! Scary for me because you are certain to move farther away - but exciting for you! I will send good vibes in spite of my selfish fears. :)