Sad news everyone, my very nice .....ambiguously gay neighbor, who let me have free Internet has moved :( I request a moment of silence for my loss.
Now then.....
While I am in the process of acquiring my own Internet connection my blogs will be few and far between, first world problem for sure.
Meanwhile, whilst on the interbewz hiatus of sorts, I picked up a book from the library (something I do fairly often) this particular book is GONE by Lisa McMann. It's the last book in a very short trilogy called the WAKE Trilogy ....To be totally honest, my first impression was that I couldn't believe I was ever interested enough to read the first two.... however around the middle of the book I became once again enraptured (probably due to the fact that I have no Internet ).
This is a short series of no great literary value, but "candy" for sure....It's written in a very lyrical way and the story is interesting enough that you want to know what happens at the end.
So blogland I'm in the market for book suggestions currently, if you have read something FABULOUS recently let me know!
Have you ever read White Teeth by Zadie Smith? Or Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathon Jonathan Safran Foer? I think you'd enjoy both. Funny and poignant and at times unbelievable and inappropriate. I liked them for a lot of the same reasons I loved Jonathon Tropper's This is Where Leave You.