Thursday, April 4, 2013

Foreign exchange

A few weekends ago the hubs and I had the unique opportunity to open our home to one of the most awesome people we have met, who just happens to be 15 and from Germany. My brother signed up to host a German foreign exchange student, which is of course, awesome. However due to a schedule conflict with my brother because he a highschool baller.....Jerrett and I ended up getting to host Tassilo for the weekend. What an amazing adventure, not only did we have such a cool oppurtunity to hang out with someone from an entirely different country, we got to have them in our house and expose them to how we do everyday americana.

Being a tourist in your own town, I have heard people say this before but never really gathered the full meaning, this paticular weekend however it really clicked. No matter where you live, there is charm and kitsch to be found, so go out and explore what we have! We had such a blast!

Tomorrow Tassilo will go back to Germany, and we are all sad to see him go...but also so excited to have a new and very unique friend, who just happens to live a very far way, away.

Clearly, hats are a common theme!

1 comment:

  1. When Zach and I saw that you took him to Medieval Times we squealed with delight. Nice move Lady Lyday.
