Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Rainy days and warm cups of tea.

Rainy days and warm cups of tea may just be the best combination of all time, all the better when you are at home on the couch snuggled up with a great book and a fur baby. However even at work in a cold, fluorescent lit classroom …rain + tea = better than average Wednesday. Wednesdays in my line of work are typically the dreaded “worst day of the week” the kids are normally really ramped up from equal parts of mid-week school stress and the ever present promise of the weekend. Today has been a fairly A-typical day with only a few minor melt downs and zero F-bombs so far. Cheers to you mid-day Wednesday, it could be worse!
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1 comment:

  1. Chels - I love the new look for the blog. It is sooo reader friendly. :) Looking forward to hosting your button on my blog!

    Also: here here to Wednesdays without F-bombs.
