It's MAY....May!
I had my birthday, It's May and I'm 27 years old.
This birthday was a lot different than any other, this year I was a married gal and had a super rad dude make it extra special....He attempted to make me a gluten free pancake breakfast, but was distracted suddenly by a bill and left everything to go and sort it out....which of course left me to make my own breakfast. He did ended up helping with so it was not a total loss and as the old saying goes, it's the thought that counts....

Those who know me super well know that I have cried on my birthday every year since my 11th birthday...when I just KNEW it was all down hill from there, and not being able to count my age on my hands totally sealed that deal. I didn't cry this year, maybe because it was an awesome day or because be honest, I have a pretty super life or maybe because I am chosing to cherish these last few years before the BIG 3-0. . .
I have been studying the stages of life in one of my counseling classes and aside from being incredibly depressing and giving me copious amounts of anxiety about all of my loved ones and my own imminent death, I learned that by the time most human beings embrace their life and live in the "now"....they have missed a GIANT portion of their life. I don't want that, this is it...not the past, not the future but now....I can dig it.
P.s. School is almost out and all the teachers have become even more crazy than the kids. Spring fever, I feel ya!